It has often been said that history can be found by going down. The deeper you dig into the earth, the further back in time you go. That's is why dinosaur fossils are found hundreds of feet deep.
The Graffiti Bridge is another phenomenon that consists of “layers-to-the-past.” Each layer of spray paint that coats the bridge, represents a layer of years gone by.
The more layers of paint that are peeled away, the farther back you travel into Pensacola history.
You could say, the layers of the bridge shine a spotlight into Pensacola's past. The historic importance of this beloved icon cannot be over emphasized. Since the dawn of the 20th century, The Graffiti Bridge has been a primitive social media site where Pensacola locals wrote their messages in spray paint, rather than strokes of keys on a digital keyboard.
Over the last century, local artists, both amateur and professional, have used the bridge as special medium to express their imagination and creativity. These messages, fueled by the hopes, dreams, passions, issues and local trends have been recorded for all to see in the layers of history right there on the pillars, girders, and side-walls of the bridge.
The Graffiti Bridge family is proud to be the custodian of this impressive exposition, ever-changing, constantly evolving, statement of living art.
The Graffiti Bridge allows the people of Pensacola to carry a special part of this local legend with them. All our pieces are individually hand-carved, and pay homage to this beloved local landmark.
If you would like your own glimpse into the past of our fine city, surf on over to our website. While there, you can check out our extensive collection of Graffiti Bridge pieces, browse our blog, and leave us a comment. Also be sure to like our Facebook page and follow us on twitter.
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