Join The Graffiti Bridge and Pensacola Junior League's "Little Black Dress," Initiative to Stop Human Trafficking.

Join The Graffiti Bridge and Pensacola Junior League's "Little Black Dress," Initiative to Stop Human Trafficking.

On May 7, 2018 the Junior League of Pensacola painted a beautiful two panel Mural on The Graffiti Bridge. The Mural was to promote their “Little Black Dress Initiative.”

This week; May 7th to the 11th, League members, volunteers, and concerned citizens, will wear the same “Little Black Dress,” or suit of clothes to raise awareness and hopefully start a conversation about the issue of human trafficking.

According to the Junior League website, Human Trafficking is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world.  Just last year, human traffickers netted 150 billion dollars from exploiting some of the world's most vulnerable citizens.

Pensacola’s Junior League has joined forces with A21 to help put a stop to this egregious crime. Through their paypal, sales of their custom t-shirts and a Gofundme account, the league plans to raise enough money to build and furnish a brand new “Transition House,” for the victims of Human Trafficking.  

This will provide a safe environment for these exploited women and girls to give them the support they need to get back on their feet and start to put the pieces of their shattered lives together.

The Graffiti Bridge is proud to help spread this important message. We help give the voice to the community, and protect the people no one else is speaking for. Please help the Junior League in their important work to make this Transition House a reality and put a stop to the exploitation of the worlds most vulnerable.

For more information please visit our site:
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