The Graffiti Bridge is a local statement of living art.  It is a beautifully scintillating, ever transmuting expression of the Pulse-of-Pensacola.

When most people think of a graffiti tag, they think of a word, possibly a very simple image, scrawled on a wall with a single color. Graffiti has also been associated with tags on walls and buildings where it is illegal to paint.  

Street Art then, is the other side of the coin.  Street Art consists of elaborate murals. Pieces that have at least three brilliant colors, and obviously take a considerable amount of time and talent to pull off. Those pieces are true street art.

Then recently came a third category. Starting in New York and Chicago, and moving south and west came the amalgamation that became known as “Graffiti Art.”  Graffiti Art while brilliant and artistic, is not always as elaborate, or complex as full-blown street art. Graffiti Art tags are usually tri-colored, artistic creations.

Many Graffiti Artists have an elaborate, colorful, and stylized way they leave their signature on their piece. Even though these often consist of the letters of the artist's name, they are considered Graffiti Art because of the elaborate detail and artistic style in which they are presented.

Since tagging The Graffiti Bridge is legal, and most of the tags are more elaborate than just letters, The Graffiti Bridge is by definition Graffiti Art.

Sometimes affectionately called the 17th Ave Street Art museum, The Graffiti Bridge stands as a silent tribute to all that is brilliant, artistic, beautiful and creative in Pensacola.  It truly is a constantly evolving, beautifully executed expression of living art.

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