The Graffiti Bridge provides a unique opportunity for locals and visitors alike. Step away from the highway, venture down the railroad tracks, or cross under the bridge to the boat ramp, and you will see a wide variety of animals.
Rabbits, squirrels, and raccoons have been known to show themselves there. This is particularly true with the raccoons around dusk, when they are heading out to start scavenging for food in the nearby parking lot and boat ramp.
Oh the boat ramp. A huge wildlife magnet in itself, many aquatic birds such as Terns, Seagulls, Pelicans and Blue Herons make their home at The Graffiti Bridge boat ramp. Here they fish, dive, bath and feed.
There was a particularly magnificent specimen the other night, standing regally and unafraid, as I parked in the bridge parking lot. I had come to photograph the sunset over the bridge, but I took a moment to pause and take a picture of this magnificent bird. I had to get quite close, so there would not be a glare off my windshield.
I was afraid he might fly away before I could set up the shot. Funny thing is, he didn’t. Instead he turned his head and looked at me, with this sort of knowing expression on his face. I snapped his picture as he looked on, then as I turned into my parking space, he spread his wings slowly, and majestically flew away.
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