"We are preparing to enter Atmo, please be sure all weapons are secured, and your seat-backs and tray tables are in their locked and upright position." "Welcome to Earth.” The flight attendant's perky voice came over the speakers as the travelers yawned and stretched, gathered their carry-ons and prepared to disembark on this alien planet.

Pensacola Intergalactic Airport welcomes all creatures of the galaxy, both real and imagined. Klingons and Vulcans sip coffee with Jedi and Sith. Thor and Odin stand a silent watch.  A humming sizzle in the background and a TARDIS appears.  The Doctor sticks his head out, takes a quick scan with his Sonic Screwdriver, and disappears again.  Wrong century apparently. But he and his companions are only one of the many magical creatures brought to life by fans attending Pensacon.

Now going on its 4th year, Pensacon has quickly evolved into a four-day,  full-blown, weekend-long geekfest. So if you need something to do this weekend, come on down and join us.  Meet and mingle with your favorite fantasy and sci-fi characters.  There will be a live DJ, and cold drinks inspired by Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Star Trek. Tickets are still available.

Test your nerd cred with Nerd Trivia from 6 pm to 9 pm.  At nine, bring your favorite cosplay and participate in the intergalactic costume contest.  The fun starts Thursday at 5 pm. Winners of the contests will earn prizes for the weekend festivities!

The Graffiti Bridge team welcomes the festivities.  This year we have had some extremely unique artwork for Pensacon. What a great mural.  So come on down and join us this weekend. Take care and have a lovely weekend.

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