Words of Wisdom from a legend. Motivational Monday at The Graffiti Bridge

Words of Wisdom from a legend. Motivational Monday at The Graffiti Bridge

Today’s live-stream would not have been possible without the talents of Graffiti Bridge artist, Chaz Ogden. He truly is the driving force behind our Motivational Monday Mural’s.

Today’s mural was inspired by one of the world's leading brand ambassadors and tech entrepreneurs Gary Vaynerchuk. 

In a world of “alternative facts,”  “fake news,” and so called “experts,” clamoring to express their not-so-humble opinion as facts, it is sometimes hard to distinguish the real from the fake.

But, it has never been as important as it is today. This is why The Graffiti Bridge has chosen this simple but powerful message for today's Motivation Monday quote.

No matter how confused, mixed up, or “alternative,” things get, the truth is real.  It is not always easy to do the right thing. At times it can be very hard to know what the right thing even is. Bad personal experiences and stressful work environments make long-term thinking and personal morals a challenge to execute consistently. Or even at all.

But regardless, the right thing is always the right thing. And that is the important message. Because as Gary Vee says, “We need to start conducting business less with our heads and more with our hearts. Look into your heart, and you will always know the right thing to do."

Also, join us on Social Media. We livestream every monday on our Facebook page as we share our special weekly words of motivation. Also follow us on Instagram and Twitter for the latest updates and pictures of the bridge.

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